888-898-3627 (voice call only) connect@financialdesignsinc.com

Why Should I Hire My Spouse?

By Ryan Johnson, Wealth Management Partner Being an independent contractor provides financial flexibility including the ability to save substantially for retirement… and subsequently enjoying a significant tax break. Some of the basic tax-deductible retirement...

The 411 on Defined Benefit Plans

By Ryan Johnson, Wealth Management Partner Being an independent contractor provides a bit of financial flexibility including the ability to save substantially for retirement… and subsequently enjoying a significant tax break. Some of the basic tax-deductible...

SEP IRA or Individual 401(k)?

By Ryan Johnson, Wealth Management Partner One of the greatest advantages of being an independent contractor is the relatively large amount one can put away for retirement (in 2025 the max is $70,000*) and the significant tax savings that follow. Retirement may seem...

Quieting Financial Stress

By Ryan Johnson, Wealth Management Partner We live in a stressed society, and financial woes are one of the leading concerns for Americans. Even those who make enough income to be in the top 5% or even 1% can find themselves stressed by daily finances. All the yoga...